Category Archives: Pics

On Saturday’s Cottage Run

The fall colours are popping right now…IMG00050-20130928-1105





I wish this went on for another 4-5 steps…

Quick Pics – Obed Tennessee – Rock Climbing

Here are a few quick  pics from this weekend’s rock climbing trip to Obed Tennessee.  The climbing was great, though the weather was a bit wet at night.  Overall it was a great trip, and I’d definitely head back if the opportunity ever presented itself.

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Pic Post

(From the Gore-Tex Flickr Set)

Autumn’s here folks, get ready to bundle up on those early runs.

Have a great weekend!

Impromptu Adventure Run

A few weeks ago I went for a little run at our cottage in northern Ontario.  The roads up there are almost entirely gravel, with quite a few unmaintained right-of-ways leading to hunting camps or logging claims criss-crossing the landscape.  I knew from past experience that there was a decent logging road about 3km from our place, and chances were good that with the dry summer we’ve had that the water-logged section near the start might be dry enough to bypass on foot.  Well, I was wrong.  Recent rains had replenished the wetland adjacent to the trail and the spillover was significant (and typical).  Now, I don’t have issues with getting wet or dirty but slogging through shin deep mud (pic 4 in the gallery at the end of this post) would have been bad enough on it’s own without the knowledge that I was going to have to come back through it on my way home.  Deciding to make the best of a bad situation I looked around and noticed a fence gate a little way back (pic 5).  After eyeballing it and the pasture beyond for a while I made my move, hopped the fence and skulked off into the pasture (Pic 6-8).  Upon cresting a hill I noticed a small lake off in the distance and (much like a goldfish) I was suitably distracted .

Lake and bog in the middle left in the pic

What was SUPPOSED to be a quick detour, turned out to be a 2hr “adventure”.  By the time I reached the lake the vegetation had gone from rolling meadow -> grassland -> to bog with knee deep boxwood shrubs.  My progress slowed ridiculously, but I was out in the sun, not a sound to be heard; peace and serenity.   Had I been a little more boy-scoutish I probably would have reminded myself that I was in the heart of bear country without any protection, and my movement essentially slowed to a crawl, but it was lost on me at the time and the adventure continued on.

Eventually, I reached the far end of the bog and realizing how long I’d been gone, I thought it prudent to get back and let the family know I hadn’t been eaten by bear/sasquatch/hungry lumberjack.  My bog-slog morphed into full on bushwhacking as I tried to skirt the wetland and return to the logging road.  Another half hour of crashing through the tree and underbrush later, legs scratched and bloody, I was back to the road and on my way.

All in all I was pretty pleased with my day, but I really should have taken more precautions while out there.  Enjoy the outdoors folks but respect it at the same time.  Regardless I’d like to go back with a few friends and see just how far we can take that logging road (water, mud and all), according to the map there’s a lake 5km past the area I was, and it might make for a fun afternoon jaunt.  Only time will tell at this point.

Enjoy the pics, let me know what you think!  Would you run alone in unfamiliar territory?

Goodnight Keith Moon…

This is perfect!



Selected Reading from The Runner’s Field Manual


This NEVER Happens…

Yes Please!!


Get dirty this weekend kids!

2012 Olympic Drinking Game

In honour of the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony today, I present you the “2012 Olympic Drinking Game”

Have fun!

Hey, It’s Friday the 13th!

Sounds like fartleks are in order for tonight’s run!

Watch the bushes and stay safe kids!