Category Archives: Video

Learn to Fly – Foo Fighters Rockin1000

One thousand musicians banded together in Italy to perform the Foo Fighters’“Learn to Fly” all at once in an attempt to woo the band to come play a show for them. Let’s repeat that — 1,000 musicians. A thousand.

“The Foo Fighters are not in Romagna since 1997, it’s time to get them back, but we need a crazy idea,” the description on Rockin’ 1000’s website explains. “We have to organize something that kicks ass worldwide and can be seen by Dave Grohl: We will ask one thousand rockers to play one of their songs, all together and at the same time.”

And they did it — magnificently, after more than a year of work. “What we did here is a huge, huge miracle,” the event’s creator Fabio Zaffagnini explained. “One thousand rockers that came from all over the nation at their own expense, and they just did one song — your song. We ask you, the Foo Fighters, to come play for us.”

It’s an invitation that’s going to be pretty hard to turn down.

Watch 1,000 Musicians Play the Foo Fighters’ ‘Learn to Fly’ at the Same Time


The Purpose of Life is Adventure

The Purpose of Life is Adventure

Your life can be the greatest adventure you’ve ever dreamed of. This new clip from and Camp 4 Collective explores what happens when people break out of their comfort zones and make their dream adventures a reality.


Barkley 100

The Runners – Video

Pounding the tarmac through the seasons, a band of runners are brazenly challenged with intimate questions as they pace their routes. Liberated from responsibilities, their guards drop dramatically, releasing funny and brutally frank confessions, and weaving a powerful narrative behind the anonymous masses.

A film by Matan Rochlitz & Ivo Gormley.


Not much I can add to this description, it’s touching, maybe a little too close to home at times…

Some Serious Earth Porn

Sorry I’ve been AWOL from the blog game for a while folks, posts coming soon…maybe…

Found on bittusaghal’s YouTube Channel. Originally submitted by Brandon W.



Running Wild – Video

Alexander Crook traveled to Red Bluff Bay in the South Baranof Wilderness Area. This video is one of the projects that was produced. Running Wild, a short film about trail running in the wilderness.

Been a while…I have something for you

Oh…Hey…didn’t see you there.

So, (cough), it’s been a  while.  I’m just going to drop these here for now…I may be back later but I’m not sure yet.  Give them a look and let me know what you think

I know I posted the this last year but…

Happy “Blue Monday” Everyone!

Road2Hope Power Anthem!

When going into a race, I usually try and pick a kickass song to drive me home in those last lonely miles; for Hamilton’s Road2Hope half marathon I decided that it would be fitting to choose a band from Hamilton.  Home town race, home town band (it doesn’t hurt that they’re awesome).  So with out further adieu I present: Monster Truck – Runnin’

“Come on, fire it up, I keep on runnin'”

Tomorrow’s Half Marathon anthem! #Road2Hope