Monthly Archives: December 2011

2012 Resolutions?…Oh crap…

Since I’m on vacation and been spending my days hitting the pow gnar (or something that the hips kids say) instead of…oh, I don’t know…running or working out?  I thought I’d drop in and let you all know that apres my vaca (after my vacation), I will indeed be outlining more of my plan for 2012, and doing a Resolution post…

well…and a 2011 wrap up post….

…and a what I’ve learned post…

…and a decent “what to look for in shoes” post…

…and a…well, why don’t you just tune in and see 😉
Anyway, I thought I’d let you all know that I’ll be offline until AT LEAST Jan. 3rd…if not 5th…or so.

Regardless, thanks for tuning in kids, it’s been a lot of fun, and hopefully we can go places in 2012.

Cheers  Sincerely,


Stop Motion Video – A Brief History of the World

Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays. Here’s another fun video for you:

Kalle Mattson – Thick As Thieves (Official Video) from Kevin Parry on Vimeo.

Thick as Thieves by Kalle Mattson
Created by Kalle Mattson & Kevin Parry

Have a good one kids!

23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

Now that we’ve all indulged on copious amounts of glorious food, and with the inevitable New Year Resolutions on the door step, I leave you with a video that should put a few things into perspective:

23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

A Doctor-Professor answers the old question “What is the single best thing we can do for our health” in a completely new way.
Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto, and a staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital.

Conceived, written, and presented by Dr. Mike Evans
Illustrated by Liisa Sorsa
Produced, directed, and filmed by Nick De Pencier
Picture and sound edit by David Schmidt
Gaffer, Martin Wojtunik
Whiteboard construction by James Vanderkleyn
Production assistant, Chris Niesing
©2011 Michael Evans and Mercury Films Inc.

Have a good one kids, and take care out there 😉

Get out…

My Christmas Gift to You

Morning all. Feeling the pressure of the holidays creeping up on you yet? If so, or if you just feel like letting loose for a bit, here’s my gift to you, ENJOY!

Bowie’s performance of the song on Top of the Pops, was broadcast on the 4th of January 1973. The four-piece band performed live. The tape was somehow erased, but a copy was made by BBC cameraman John Henshall, who had utilized new fisheye lens camera techniques for the performance. The film has since been preserved for posterity and was shown at the British Film Institute this December. In fact, the BBC re-broadcast the clip in its Top of the Pops 2 Christmas Special this week, for the first time since the original broadcast in January 1973.

** Stolen Borrowed from Jeff Woods over at Explore Music – I love his radio/podcasts, if you love classic rock give them a look

Have a good one kids, keep it fun out there!

Plans for 2012? What Plans for 2012?

Now with the 6-Week Challenge over and the inevitable post challenge hangover gone, it’s time to focus on my long-term goal: 2012!!

I’ve been contemplating a plan for 2012 as of late, and  I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I do know that if I don’t set my ship in a specific direction that it will more than likely end up smashed on the rocks.

McAllister: Arr, matey.  Nary a warning light to be seen.  ‘Tis clear sailing ahead for our precious cargo.
Sailor: Uh, would that be the hot pants, sir?
McAllister: Aye, the hot pants.
McAllister: Jonathan Livingston Seagull!  We’re on a collision course! Hard a-starboard!
Sailor: Uh, port?
McAllister: [quietly] Aye, port.


I spent quite a bit of time yesterday (at work) going over a run training plan a friend of mine used last year, our paces are similar in the short stuff but for racing anything over 5km she simply kills me.  Hopefully this plan will get me to that level as well, it’d be nice for her to be able stare at my ass for a while instead of the other way around all the time.

So now that I have a “plan” of sorts, I’ve started to sort through “what I’d like to do with my new superpowers”.  I’m not sure what it is, but I keep coming back to the same races I ran this past year.  I’ve already signed up for the Around the Bay (this race will likely be an annual thing anyway), but I’m pretty much set on doing the Grimsby Half Marathon (the one I missed due to a bone bruise on my instep) and the 5 Peaks Rattlesnake Point Trail Race (from 2011’s Kick-Ass Race Weekend), even the Peachbud 10km and Twenty Valley Half Marathon keep popping up in my planning fervor!

  1. Grimsby’s motivation is easy to figure out – I’d like to ACTUALLY RUN IT unlike last year.  It’s also in a great spot in the schedule for Around the Bay training.
  2. The Rattlesnake Point trail race was a blast last year, and this year it’s in late April instead of the sweltering heat of the summer.  As an added bonus, a good friend of mine wants to do both Grimsby and Rattlesnake this year which should make things that much more fun.
  3. The reason I keep thinking of redoing the Twenty Valley Half Marathon is a completely narcissistic one.  I want to get another medal.  This past year I surprisingly made the podium, and as a mid-pack runner I’m not used to winning anything.  Ever.  And now I have a taste for clood.  This is only the 2nd year for the race, and although enrollment will definitely be up from last year (it was supremely well run last year) it’s still probably my best chance at Half-Marathon glory.  Why yes, I AM shallow…how’d you know?
  4. Peachbud 10km – It’s a fun race, on a Tuesday night, and my speedwork partner works at the hospital that race supports.  Easy-Peasy

I’m not averse to trying new races but who knows what the summer will hold?  I’d rather roll with things and see what opens up for me.  The larger concern is the Fall…

I’m suddenly realizing that this is turning into a novel, so I’ll leave it here for now.  There’s lots of time to discuss the Fall later, as for right now:

What would you do in my position?  Same races?  Different races just on principle? No races (free is fun!) Leave a comment and let me know.

Have a good on kids!

Drunk Night Before Christmas

For all you folks looking for Christmas content here you go!

Drunk History  – The Night Before Christmas story with Ryan Gosling, Jim Carrey and Eva Mendes

Drunk Night Before Christmas

I’d like to drop the video here but the site won’t let me, so click the link and have a laugh.

Have a good one kids.


7 Week Challenge Wrapup

So…are you sick of hearing my weekly updates yet?  Well fear not faithful reader, this is the final installment of my Nerd Fitness 7 (6) Week Challenge updates.  Yes, my “journey to a better me” has has come to it’s public halt.  As I’ve said previously, a lot of these things will be adopted into my day-to-day life, but for your sanity I’ll finally stop bringing it up.  Happy?  Good…let’s get started.  (I’ve calculated the mean value and posted it behind the goal in red, then discussion will follow)

Fitness Goals:
1.) Run Training 3-4 times a week; speedwork, recovery, long run (mostly trails) – 2.57x
2.) Strength Training 2-3 times a week; chinups, pullups, pushups, deadlifts, and squats. Lat pulldowns, barbell rows, planks, bench press and overhead press optional. – 1.57x

Welp, I didn’t achieve my times per week for either of these areas but it was close…there’s something about horseshoes and hand grenades that goes in here.  I did have some unavoidable setbacks in this area in terms of injury (wrenched my back and a probable rotator cuff tear) in weeks 4-5, but had I been on the high side of my goal workouts per week to begin with I could have eaten the loss overall.   Pluses from this section:  I’m definitely getting stronger, especially in my lowback/glutes/hamstring.  I’ve really noticed it playing hockey this year, I’m not nearly as tired as I was in the past, and I’m not getting knocked over by a gentle breeze anymore so two thumbs up.

 Long-Term Fitness Goals:

3.) Hockey once a week, rock climbing & lap swimming when I can – A
4.) Set goal race schedule for 2012 – A
5.) Pace my neighbour in his first(last?) Half Marathon – A+

This would have been A+s all around had I not had to miss two weeks rock climbing (1 due to injury, 1 due to solo parenting all weekend).  Also, I only gave myself an A for the Race schedule because I didn’t plan the whole year.  It’s just not practical to do so unless you have a MAJOR race that you simply HAVE to get to.  I don’t and I’m good with that.  I did plant 3 races on the calendar and we’ll see what looks good once summer rolls around.  The half marathon pace job went off without a hitch, and I even convinced Special K to run it again next year.

Diet Goals:
1.) No more booze at home, and limited booze outside (events, and meals out only). i.e. – stop drinking like a fratboy – 4.14x

2.) Eat an apple a day. My diet is pretty good, but I take one to work everyday and manage to ignore it. – 5.2x

3.) More water! – 4.28x

This portion of the challenge was hard. I accomplished my goals but the progress was very up & down.   I managed to decrease my alcohol intake (specifically at home), eat more fruit, and drink more water but the successes usually came in spurts.  When I was good, I was good.  When I was bad, I was really bad.  Pluses for this portion:  I started some good trends and have been continuing them since the end of the challenge, even when away from home for a few days for work.

Life Goals:
1.) Focused guitar playing; writing, practicing specific songs, and playing drills. No more wasted time on aimless noodling! –1.57x

 Heh, I’m not really sure how to classify this one…when I managed to sit down with the guitar I was productive, however I would have liked to play more.  I think I misjudged how much free time I have to play each night…Technically I achieved the goal so…


Fitness:  B-/C+ (just like high school)
Long-Term Fitness Goals: A/A+
Diet: B
Life: B

Questions? Comments? Rude Innuendo?  Salacious Rumours?  Sarcastic Compliments?

Have a good one kids…

Progress Report – Week 7

Fitness: Overall was pretty good, but I came up short on the running part ironically. I missed one run due to weather, and the other I swapped for an hour long skate with my son which was a worthwhile trade. Weight workouts were good, in fact I put in 3 sets of hotel room pushups while away from home on Sunday night.

Extended Fitness Goals: I decided on a local Half Marathon in February, and a local trail race in April for 2012. Considering we haven’t even looked at our vacation schedule for next year, and most races haven’t even opened for sign up yet, I feel this is a good compromise.

Diet: I nailed the diet portion of the challenge this week. The only blips were a few beers while watching the hockey game at home and another one at home on Sunday. The volume was low so that’s a plus.

Life goals: I had a really good 45 minute session of guitar practice mid-week, unfortunately there wasn’t much more than that. I did whip out the electric guitar which really helped keep the playing fun.

Challenge summary coming soon!