Category Archives: Music

Learn to Fly – Foo Fighters Rockin1000

One thousand musicians banded together in Italy to perform the Foo Fighters’“Learn to Fly” all at once in an attempt to woo the band to come play a show for them. Let’s repeat that — 1,000 musicians. A thousand.

“The Foo Fighters are not in Romagna since 1997, it’s time to get them back, but we need a crazy idea,” the description on Rockin’ 1000’s website explains. “We have to organize something that kicks ass worldwide and can be seen by Dave Grohl: We will ask one thousand rockers to play one of their songs, all together and at the same time.”

And they did it — magnificently, after more than a year of work. “What we did here is a huge, huge miracle,” the event’s creator Fabio Zaffagnini explained. “One thousand rockers that came from all over the nation at their own expense, and they just did one song — your song. We ask you, the Foo Fighters, to come play for us.”

It’s an invitation that’s going to be pretty hard to turn down.

Watch 1,000 Musicians Play the Foo Fighters’ ‘Learn to Fly’ at the Same Time


RIP – Lou Reed

Lou Reed, the singer, songwriter and guitarist whose work with the Velvet Underground in the 1960s had a major influence on generations of rock musicians, and who remained a powerful if polarizing force for the rest of his life, died on Sunday at his home in Amagansett, N.Y., on Long Island. He was 71.  (source)


I know I posted the this last year but…

Happy “Blue Monday” Everyone!

Goodnight Keith Moon…

This is perfect!



Ever Have One of Those Days?

Quick Note & Monster Truck – Seven Seas Blues

Hey there everyone!  Anyone there?

Sorry for the hiatus as of late but work has been kicking my ass since we got back from vacation a couple weeks ago, leaving me without the time or energy to write anything.  To top things off, I pulled my hamstring last week so my running/training has disappeared almost entirely.  Hopefully things will turn around soon.

Moving on, there’s a local band that has been ripping  the joint up lately which you should really check out; Monster Truck.  I just grabbed both of their early EPs and have been rocking out constantly.  To me they fit nicely with Rival Sons, but I’ll leave it up to you to decide.

Have a great one kids!

Red Fang = Fun!

Seeing how Friday’s should be fun, and the fact that I won’t be able to produce a full post today I’m going to leave you with a couple of great videos by the band Red Fang.  The music is heavy, and I don’t advocate a lot of what they’re doing in the vids, but the band does seem to have a decent sense of humour.   So, without further delay:


Hanks is dead

Prehistoric Dog

Have a great weekend kids!

Awesome – Thin Lizzy Plays With 70yr Old Grandmother

I was just cruising Jeff Wood’s Explore Music blog when I came across this great story.

In 1982 Thin Lizzy played on the BBC show Jim’ll Fix It where, after writing in a request, May Booker was granted the opportunity to play with her favourite band, and she NAILED IT.  Give it a look and see what I mean, checkout 1:41 where she rocks the keyboard solo!

Have fun kids!

Levon Helm (The Band) Passes Away

Alot has been said about the The Band’s legendary drummer passing over to the other side so I won’t repeat it unnecessarily, although as a “music blogger” I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least tip my hat to one of the greats.

When I started rock climbing, “Up on Cripple Creek” was often sung on the walks into and out of crags, not to mention around the campfire after a few  “pops”:

Up on Cripple Creek she sends me
If I spring a leak, she mends me
And I don’t have to speak, she defends me
A drunkard’s dream if I ever did see one

…nothing more fitting for a bunch of the fellas pining for the love a good woman while under the influence…

I want to post a video but somehow this just feels more right than Cripple Creek, so here’s to you Mr. Helm: I wish you safe travels to wherever the next world takes us, thanks for the music, thanks for the good times.

G’night kids

Rival Sons – Pressure & Time

A few weeks ago a song on the radio caught my ear, of course as I fumbled trying to crank the volume up the song ended leaving me to wait in vexed anticipation of the DJ’s recent song list. Anytime a song leaves me asking “Who was that?” I have a pretty good idea that I’m going to enjoy the rest of their material…if I could just find out “who was that masked man…”

Shortly after learning that the band was Rival Sons I was able to get my filthy little hands on their disc: Gypsy Heart. Since then I’ve been grooving on the whole disc, it’s awesome, here’s the video for the first single Pressure & Time – Enjoy!

I’m on a little bit of a 70’s(ish) rock kick as of late, so expect hear more from bands like this, Wolfmother, The Sheepdogs, The Illuminati, Motorhead, Jimi Hendrix, The Black Keys, The Music, White Stripes/Raconteurs/Dead Weather…etc. etc…..hmmmmm…I smell a mixed disc in the works…awesome…